fresh green leaves of sacred fig in forest

It’s an honor

to connect with you.

There are no coincidences in the universe. If ​you have made your way here, I am honored to be ​connected to you in this divine moment.

My journey has been one of ongoing personal ​exploration — a tapestry woven with threads of ​trauma, challenge, beauty, expression, self-​discovery, and reflection.

Over decades of searching, I’ve learned that the ​path we walk is uniquely ours, guided by a force ​that often transcends our understanding. It is in ​the quiet whispers of intuition and communion ​with God that I have found solace and strength.

It is now my dream to share this beautiful ​connection with God with as many people as I ​can. And I’m overjoyed that you are here right ​now to find resonance with the places that need ​healing, growth and exploration.

1980's - I grew up in south Florida with my older brother, ​mom and dad. My parents were professional musicians so ​there was a lot of artistic freedom, creativity, and beauty ​of expression. However, behind the scenes my father ​suffered from poor mental health and was violent, ​emotionally disconnected, and verbally abusive.

Around the age of 6, I began to feel a polarizing sensation, ​like life was simultaneously pushing and pulling me. There ​was a natural expression that wanted to be let free, but ​also a deep internal contraction, disassociation, denial, ​and avoidance. I felt torn in two, like you would see a ​literal split if you peered inside of me. And when my ​parents divorced at the age of ten, my internal world ​became even more polarizing.

1990's - My family life was toxic, and the abuse and ​traumatic experiences became more and more intense. ​Life felt like total chaos, and numbing myself was a ​common coping mechanism. I walked down many broken ​paths to attempt to heal the hurt. There was much grief, ​shame, guilt and brokenness, and it’s a miracle that I ​survived those years - God knows I didn’t want to at ​times.

Early 2000's - In my senior year of high school, it hit me ​that I was living in a dangerously unhealthy way that was ​spiraling downwards with great momentum. Just as the ​darkness reached a fever pitch, I was saved by the grace ​of God - after almost ten years of exploring her personal ​relationship with God, my mother came back into my life. ​She was a human life raft - she offered me friendship, ​support, acceptance, love and an opportunity to attend a ​local community college for music. This was a turning ​point of great significance; I finally had a reason to turn my ​life around.

Over the next few years, I lived on my mother’s small farm ​in the country, surrounded by the beauty of nature, ​incredible animals, and a return to simple joys. I spent my ​time riding horses, gardening, reading, making music, ​painting, and walking the beach. I also discovered a ​community of deeply spiritual friends, one of which gifted ​me the book Conversations with God by Neale Donald ​Walsh. To say it changed my life is an understatement - it ​cracked me open, and I soon began to develop extra ​sensory perceptions, such as clairvoyance, clair-​cognizance and the ability to channel source wisdom with ​free-writing.

I began a strict spiritual practice, and consumed spiritual ​books and teachings one after the other - The Law of One, ​The Power of Now, and A Course in Miracles are still some ​of my favorites today. I was also blessed to receive a ​music scholarship to attend Stetson University and later ​The University of Tennessee for a degree in opera ​performance. It was during this chapter that I worked as a ​hired church musician and explored the beautiful ​traditions and profound teachings of various modern day ​religions.

2013 - I moved to North Carolina and worked in marketing ​for medical practices while singing for various local ​churches, concert choirs and musical ensembles. I also ​fell in love with new forms of creative expression - ​photography, videography, and graphic design - and ​began using these art forms as a way to open up to divine ​Source. That same year, I met my now husband and we ​married two years later in 2015. We started our family two ​years later, welcoming a beautiful daughter and a deeper ​understanding of God’s extraordinary blessings.

2021 - Just 3 months after the birth of our second ​lovely daughter, we decided to abandon city life and ​move to our very own small farm in the country. We ​became intensely passionate about preserving the land, ​and aspired to return it back to it’s most raw, natural ​form. While cultivating healthy ecosystems of plants, ​soil and wildlife, we also grew a modest garden and ​started raising Angus-Wagyu cattle. In the future, we ​plant to expand with more animals and create a ​spiritual retreat where individuals can commune with ​God through yoga, meditation, workshops, and various ​other spiritual expansion practices while in nature.

2023 - The fall of ‘23 marked many milestones for me. ​It signified one decade of obsessive personal expansion ​and divine exploration, the arrival of our third incredible ​daughter, and the beginning of my intuitive-based ​businesses - Two Hawks Hypnosis & Two Hawks ​Marketing. It also signified a solidification of my life’s ​purpose - to show others that enlightenment and ​connection to source is 100% available to anyone who ​wants it, that release from suffering is our destiny, and ​that we are already connected to God no matter where ​our path has led us.